International Certificate for Teaching Assistants

International Certificate for Teaching Assistants

For Whom?

  • Locally Recruited Teaching Assistants who are employed in international schools worldwide and work
    with 3 to 14 year olds
  • Schools committed to improving the effectiveness of personnel participating in the instruction of
  • Secondary School Students age 16+ who want to increase their effectiveness in assisting
    primary/secondary school teachers
  • Individuals who do not intend to seek employment in the United Kingdom
  • Individuals must be working in a school or be able to voluntarily work in a school to complete the


The aim of the EA International Certificate for Teaching Assistants is to recognise this work by raising the
status of the local TA, offering opportunities to contribute even more effectively to the school


The focus of the EA Teaching Assistant International Certificate course is on observing and reflecting on classroom activity and school procedures.

Candidates complete assigned tasks associated with learning outcomes in four instructional units:

  • Child development and awareness of particular needs (e.g. ESL) in the school context
  • Child safety
  • The school’s curriculum and comparison with other approaches
  • School procedures as they impinge on child development, safety, and the curriculum

The Learning Outcomes are fixed and not negotiable, and all must be met to achieve the certificate. The assigned tasks to achieve the learning outcomes can be adapted to the school setting or the TA’s particular role. Schools usually find that the tasks set by EA are entirely appropriate as provided.

A school based mentor and EA faculty member guide candidates through completion of each task and recording evidence of their understandings and abilities in preparation for internal and external assessment.

The benefits can be summarised as:

  • Providing a systematic framework for the candidate to focus on, and develop, key areas of their work
  • To ensure that the local TA is a full part of the school community and support team for children’s
  • To recognise the support given by the school to the local TA in such a way that parents and accreditation
    agencies can be increasingly confident that all members of the school’s teaching and learning support
    team are fully integrated and have a clear understanding, knowledge, and competence in providing the
    best possible education for the children in their care

In addition, this course can provide a starting point for a career in Learning Support by offering a
structure which shares common elements and approaches with NVQ Certificate.

Course structure:

Six modules must be completed in the context of the age range/phase in which the TA regularly

  • Understanding and supporting child development
  • Understanding and supporting child safety, mental health and wellbeing
  • Understanding and supporting the school curriculum
  • Understanding and supporting school procedures, policies, and the school community
  • Understanding and supporting children with Special Education Needs (SEN) including EAL
  • Understanding and using technology to support teaching and learning

The portfolio

Each candidate/learner will compile a portfolio as part of their learning process and as an item to be
assessed, and provide a basis for dialogue, during the assessment interviews.


  • Present your portfolio to your assessor and be willing to answer questions and discuss any issues raised
  • Talk through your self-review with your school assessor
  • Upload the requested sections (to be individually negotiated) for moderation/assessment by the EA supervisor

(For multiple entries some tasks will be assessed by the school-based assessor, some by EA.)


For Employed Teaching Assistants and Secondary School Students this course will:

  • Increase effectiveness and be recognized for abilities in assisting teachers in guiding student learning
  • Increase understanding of the teaching/learning process and school policies and procedures
  • Develop skills
  • Gain an internationally recognised certificate of achievement

For Schools this course will ensure:

  • Teaching Assistants/Paraprofessionals are better able to support student learning, increasing status in
    the eyes of parents and accreditation agencies


The course can begin anytime the participant’s school is in session
The course is best done during a single school year but there is no time limit for completion


As EducatorsAbroad supports the teaching assistant profession, we are offering a reduced cost of 300
GBP for individuals, 200 GBP each for ten or more enrolled from the same school at the same time. The
reduced cost is valid until the 31st March 2024. Full payment must be made before this date to
qualify for the offer. These charges presume school provision of mentor/observer services and a
consultative/non-directive role for the EA assessor.